AS266151 Mania NET

Spam statistics of AS266151 Mania NET

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About AS266151

Owner of AS266151

AS266151 is owned by L. Garcia Comunicações ME.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of L. Garcia Comunicações ME, the owner of AS266151, involves providing internet services as an Internet Service Provider (ISP) in Brazil.

Establishment of AS266151

Information regarding the exact date when AS266151 was established is not readily available through public sources. Typically, such information can be found in the Regional Internet Registry for the region, which for Brazil is the Latin American and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry (LACNIC).

Malicious Use of AS266151

As of the current knowledge cutoff date, there are no explicit reports or data suggesting that AS266151 is being used with malicious intent such as hacking or spamming activities. However, it should be noted that the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, and monitoring systems such as CleanTalk provide ongoing tracking of suspicious activities.

For updated details on any potential misuse, visiting the provided CleanTalk URL would have been advisable, but since linking is not permitted in this response, direct access to the CleanTalk database for AS266151 would need to be done separately by interested parties.

WhoIs AS266151


Detected networks prefixes

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