How To Update the Universal Security Extension UniForce By CleanTalk



1. Make backup copies of your website files.

2. Enter the extension settings page follow the link (your_site_name/uniforce). You will need to use your access key or email, and password, used while the previous installation.

3. Open the Settings tab:


UniForce settings tab


4. Scroll down to the Danger Zone section. Type "uninstall" in the text field and press the red "Uninstall" button:


UniForce uninstall


5. Download (the link is at the top of this page or use the link given to you personally) and unzip the "uniforce" folder into your websites' ROOT folder. You should see a folder named "uniforce" at the root of your website.


Website root folder


6. Go here in your browser: your_site_name/uniforce

7. Enter your CleanTalk account email and new password which will be used for your UniForce settings. You can also enter your access key and add additional scripts in the Advanced configuration section. Then press the "Install" button to run the installation:


UniForce install


8. You should see the next page in case of success:


Installation success


Сongratulations! The update process is finished!



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