How to Update the Universal Anti-Spam Plugin


1. Make backup copies of your website files and database.

2. Go to the settings of the Universal Anti-Spam Plugin here:

You will need to use your access key. You can find it on your Anti-Spam Dashboard here:

3. Click the link "Uninstall" in the top corner and confirm your action in the small pop-up window:

Uni uninstall


4. Download (the link is at the top of this page or use the link given to you personally) and unzip the "cleantalk" folder into your websites' ROOT folder.

5. Go to this address:

website address CleanTalk universal plugin installation


6. Enter your access key and click the button "Install" to continue with the installation:

 Uni Anti-Spam install


The Universal Anti-Spam plugin will write its code to your index.php file by default. If your contact or registration forms are located in different files/scripts, list them in the "Advanced configuration" section separated by commas. Also, you can set an additional password to the plugin settings.

Advanced config 


At the end of the successful installation, you will see this message:



Optional: You can test any form of your website with this special email address Every submit with this email will be blocked. There is an example of a website registration interface on the image below:


Blocking message

Сongratulations! The update process is finished!

Please go to your Dashboard to see your Anti-Spam status, add new websites or manage existing ones!



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