Delegation of Monitoring to Other CleanTalk Users, Additional Email Address for Reports

1. Enter your CleanTalk Dashboard.

2. Click the Monitoring tab.



3. Click on your email in the upper right corner and select "Grants".


Grants main


4. Click the "New grant" blue button.


New grant


5. Select the monitor you want to share, choose permissions, and enter a new email address. Then click "Add".

If the account doesn't exist, it has to be created first. It can be done here.


sel grant


6. If you want to change permissions (write/read), click on your e-mail in the upper right corner and select "Grants".

7. Click the "Edit" button.




8. Change grant type and press the "Apply" button.




Where can I find the delegated services in the trusted user profile?

1. Enter the trusted user's CleanTalk Dashboard.

2. Find the title "Delegated websites" on the main page.

Dashboard — Delegated websites

3. The trusted user can manage your delegated websites the same way as for the usual ones.


How can I add an additional email address to receive notifications and newsletters?

Additional email addresses could be added after purchasing the Extra Package option for your account.

1. Enter your CleanTalk Dashboard.

2. Click on your e-mail in the upper right corner and select "Grants".


Grants main


3. Click the blue "New grant" button for the Monitoring service.


New grant


4. Select the monitor you want to share and enter a new email address. Then click "Add".

If the account doesn't exist, it has to be created first. It can be done here.


sel grant


To manage newsletters on the new account, please log in to CleanTalk Dashboard with new credentials and open this link:

Then check all the checkboxes and press "Save".



Attention! The option "Authentication without password" (that is access with a user token) will be automatically disabled on both accounts.


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