Comparison: CleanTalk Anti-Spam Plugin vs ReCaptcha


No one likes spam. It can have serious consequences for your website and business. Therefore, in choosing the anti-spam solution it is important to consider various parameters in order to get the best solution for yourself.


Google ReCaptcha is Not Only Stopping Spam

Bots — it's not a problem of visitors, it's a problem of website administrators. Shifting solution of this problem to casual people is incorrect, moreover, all that visitors have after solving another captcha is just irritation. Algorithms, text and image recognition technologies are being evolved, many defense mechanisms became almost useless. In 2014 Google itself presented an algorithm that could recognize and hack even the hardest images of reCAPTCHA having 99.8 percent of success. By the way, this rate is even higher than human's. That means a program has been beating a bot prevention protection program better than human beings.

Let's not forget that visitors were helping to decipher books meaning they were working for Google and nobody got paid for that work. Google bought reCaptcha service in 2009 and decided to decipher old books and picture fragments of Google Street View. Thanks to the service about 100 million of words have been digitized a day that was resulting in more than 2 million of books a year.

Road signs recognition — a rather big problem for the companies constructing unmanned cars. Meanwhile, millions of people marking pictures with road signs and shop windows simply work for the service for free and teach neural network. Millions of people work for Google perfecting other services.



Let's take a look at the comparison of CleanTalk and ReCaptcha




(Any version: v1, v2, and Invisible)

Spam checking is based on many parameters, some of them are independent of JavaScript support or cookies.
Parameters are being estimated based on JavaScript, cookies and mouse pointer movements. A visitor with disabled JavaScript support will not pass ReCaptcha test. Visitors who clear their cookies regularly will have a more complicated test to pass.
A visitor doesn't have to do anything to pass spam check. There are no obstacles for visitors with disabilities.
A visitor has to click a checkbox or select a few pictures. It was pointed out that using ReCaptcha is "a serious barrier to Internet use" for people with bad eyesight or disabilities.
Does not require time to process data. The form is being submitted instantaneously.
A check may take a few seconds. It affects conversion in a negative way.
Spam Protection by CleanTalk is one of the fastest anti-spam plugins. It does not slow your website down.
It is a quite heavy service that may slow your website down, therefore it can drop your website rank in search engine list and decrease conversion.
Spam filter effectiveness of the CleanTalk Anti-Spam is 0,998%. CleanTalk logs all spam check requests and saves them in your profile. You will never lose your requests.
Spam filtering occurs while your request is being processed, some visitors do not wait until the end of the check and just submit a form. Their message will be lost or they will have to fill the form again. You will never know about that as no one gives you statistics of it. So, ReCaptcha is broken your form conversion rate.
Easy to install. The CleanTalk Service starts to work right out of the box. The installation process takes 1 minute and your website is protected from spam.
Direct ReCaptcha integration is very hard to add.
A visitor is not required to do anything and he doesn't have to prove that he's a human being.
There is criticism towards Google for using ReCaptcha as a source of unpaid work. They say that Google unfairly uses people all over the world to help them decipher books, addresses, and newspapers with any sort of compensation.
Anti-Spam Plugin by CleanTalk has the cheapest price $12 a year.
ReCaptcha is free. Visitors and users work for ReCaptcha for free as well.
Anti Spam by CleanTalk does not place any logos or links on your website, but you can do that if you want to.
It's impossible to disable the displaying of ReCaptcha logo on your website.



ReCaptcha not always working for spam. Your users don't have to prove that they are people and your conversation rate may be broken with recaptcha.

Are you getting spam signups even with ReCaptcha on WordPress? WordPress Anti Spam by CleanTalk prevents spam and works invisibly for visitors.


What is Anti-Spam by CleanTalk Plugin?

Anti-Spam by CleanTalk is a cloud-based anti-spam protection service that protects websites from spambots. CleanTalk provides transparent anti-spam protection, with detailed statistics of all entering comments and logins. You can always be sure that there are no errors. The anti-spam method offered by CleanTalk allows switching from the methods that trouble the communication (CAPTCHA, question-answer etc.) to a more convenient one. CleanTalk is an easy solution for both WordPress and other platforms. Anti Spam Firewall by CleanTalk will block spam traffic before it reaches your webserver to increase spam protection for websites and to reduce the load on the web servers.

Stop bots with spam protection by CleanTalk, review of full features you can learn here.



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